Won Studio
Facade Design.jpg



Origami Facade



Duration : 2014.09 - 2014.12



: Ori [fold], -gami[paper]

The history of origami followed after the invention of paper and was a result of paper's use in society. Independent paper folding traditions exist in East Asia and Europe, and it is unclear whether these evolved separately or had a common source. Japanese origami began sometime after Buddhist monks carried paper to Japan during the 6th century. The first Japanese origami is dated from this period and was used for religious  ceremonial purposes only, due to the high price of paper.


Origamic architecture involves the three-dimensional reproduction of architecture, geometric patterns, everyday objects, or other images,  on various scales, using cut-out and folded paper, usually thin paperboard. Visually, these creations are comparable to intricate 'pop-ups', indeed, some works are deliberately engineered to possess 'pop-up'-like properties. However, origamic architecture tends to be cut out of a single sheet of paper, whereas most pop-ups involve two or more. To create the three-dimensional image out of the two-dimensional surface requires skill akin to that of an architect.